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Mombasa International Film FestivalFeature Film


Dive into the world of captivating narratives and immersive storytelling with our Feature Film category. This category is designed for filmmakers who have crafted full-length cinematic experiences that engage, entertain, and leave a lasting impact on the audience. We seek films that explore a wide range of themes, emotions, and genres, providing an opportunity for filmmakers to showcase their mastery of long-form storytelling.

Mombasa International Film FestivalShort Feature


Sometimes, powerful stories come in compact packages. Our Short Feature category is dedicated to films that deliver impactful narratives within a limited timeframe. These films demonstrate the art of concise storytelling, offering a condensed yet compelling cinematic experience that resonates with the audience.

Mombasa International Film FestivalDocumentaries


Real stories, real people, and real issues take center stage in our Documentaries category. Filmmakers in this category shed light on intriguing subjects, provide insights into untold stories, and provoke thought-provoking discussions through the lens of non-fiction filmmaking. We welcome documentaries that inform, challenge, and inspire viewers to see the world from a different perspective.

Mombasa International Film FestivalStudent Films


Young and emerging talent have a platform to shine in our Student Films category. This category is open to students who are passionate about filmmaking and eager to showcase their creativity. We encourage submissions that reflect unique viewpoints, innovative techniques, and a fresh approach to storytelling, giving emerging filmmakers the chance to make their mark in the industry.

Mombasa International Film FestivalAnimation


Unleash your imagination and bring stories to life through Animation. Our Animation category celebrates the magic of visual storytelling, where creativity knows no bounds. From traditional techniques to cutting-edge digital animation, we invite filmmakers to submit their animated creations that transport audiences to extraordinary worlds filled with wonder and emotion.